Direction and coordination: IEB
Idea, design and engravings : Marta Blasco
Text: Gabriel Janer Manila.
Bookbinding: Paz Alomar.
Includes 7 original engravings edited by Natasha Levedeva in Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró.
Edition 50 copies with 5 variants on the cover.
Language: Catalan.
47 Pages.
33’3 x 26’7 cm.
PM 1140 – 2014
Catalogue for the exhibit made in Àrea 1. Casal Solleric.
Texts: Pilar Ribal, Dieter Ronte, Gomezdelacuesta, Maria de la Pau Janer, Juan Martínez Moro and Javier Rubio Nomblot.
Design : Antoni Socías.
Language: catalan.
Translations: Spanish and English.
64 Pages.
PM – 2076 -2009
Catalogue for the exhibit made in Xavier Fiol Gallery.
Texts: Felipe Hernández and Javier Rubio Nomblot.
Language: Spanish
Translations: English.
Design: Imprenta Muro
P.M. 960 / 2008
Exhibition’s catalogue
Catedral de Mallorca
Sponsor: Obra Social La Caixa
Collaborators: Illeslex and Bendix
- Link to text: The song and the matter of hope.